Welcome to MuskyDoge, a unique cryptocurrency on the Binance Smart Chain that's revolutionizing the gaming industry. At MuskyDoge, we're not just another crypto project—we're a business. Our cryptocurrency functions like a stock, with the revenue from our mobile games and tournaments directly impacting its value.

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Rewards in Dogecoin



Buy and burn



Added to liquidity




How to buy

1. Choose a wallet

There are several crypto wallets to choose from within the BNB Chain network and Trust Wallet appears to be the most integrated. If you are using a desktop computer, you can download Google Chrome and the wallet Chrome extension. If you prefer using your mobile phone, you can download the wallet via Google Play or the iOS App Store if it’s available.

2. Setup your wallet

Register and set up the crypto wallet via the wallet’s Google Chrome extension or via the mobile app you downloaded in Step 1. You may refer to the wallet’s support page for reference. Make sure to keep your seed phrase safe, and take note of your wallet address. You will be using it later on Steps 4 and 6.

3. Buy BNB Smart Chain.

You can purchase BNB Smart Chain from Trust Wallet or send from a Centralized Exchange. (Binance, Crypto.com etc.)

4. Swap BNB for MuskyDoge (MKD).

You will need to connect your wallet to pancakeswap. Click Here to automatically pair MuskyDoge. Select the gear icon and change the slippage to 7-10%. Slippage is not tax, it helps confirm the trade incase the price changes. To view in your wallet you must add MuskyDoge contract address.


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Our Gamers Review

Thousands of Happy Gamers All Around the World

I play Tournament every day, it's a great way to relax and win cash too!

Brice Tong
Texas, USA

I play Tournament every day, it's a great way to relax and win cash too!

Alva Adair
Frankfurt, Germany

I play Tournament every day, it's a great way to relax and win cash too!

Ray Sutton
Ontario, Canada

I play Tournament every day, it's a great way to relax and win cash too!

Alva Adair
Frankfurt, Germany